Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The End

Sadly, the proprietor of this blog, Steven Searle, passed away in August of 2015. He wished to thank everyone who read his posts over the years. Steven was very proud of his blogs, and enthusiastic about politics, religion, and life in general. He lived the life he wanted to live, up to the very end.

Steven will be missed, but his posts here will live on.


  1. I'm shocked to read this! I'm sorry I didn't get back in touch sooner after our break from our email correspondences. Thank you for your wonderful work, your opinions and your guidance. You remained, and will remain, a lasting voice in my mind and conscience. I'm so sorry Steve. in the little time I knew you, you spoke highly of your son and your friend Laura . Best wishes and merit to you in the Dharma!

    1. I would also like to add that you are the only person I know who lived and died fully embracing the Lotus Sutra, an achievement the majority in the western world have never matched. I hope you are now in the golden congregation of Shakyamuni Buddha.

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